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Approaching 21 weeks

So past halfway point now and things have been going swimmingly. Aside from the 3 weeks cold crossed with pink eye I had had, oy! Anyhow, anatomy scan was last Friday and littles was all curled up all tight, knees to chin, legs crossed, so needless to say we were unable to get a clear picture of heart or between the legs, but things otherwise looked fabulous (I believe, follow up is Wednesday). We were SO SO excited to finally find out gender but it's looking like they were unable to get a clear enough look for an accurate gender determination, but since heart was also unclear, they will book a follow up to try again. Evangeline did this same thing haha. Anyways, feeling lots of kicks now so it's wonderful. I thought for the longest time baby number 3 was a boy, but now I am rethinking that..guess we will find out soon enough, so excited to know :) one way or another. Soon, soon.

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